
IMG_3736Maranguka Driver Licensing Initiative is a driver licensing support program run in Bourke as part of the Bourke Justice Reinvestment Program, in partnership with Birrang Enterprises and Driving Change. The program has been funded by the Vincent Fairfax Foundation.

The George Institute has had a long involvement with the community in Bourke, having worked with the Aboriginal Working Party on a Go Kart and Driver Education Facility Feasibility Study in 2008, and conducting a pilot study with the Aboriginal Medical Service in Bourke on road safety and driver licensing in 2009-2010. The results of this study and the feasibility study highlighted strong community concerns about road safety and driver licensing, and the difficulty young people had in gaining and maintaining their driver licence. A larger study was conducted to further explore these issues across NSW and SA, and led to the development and implementation of the Driving Change program.

Youth worker Peter Mackay

Peter is a Driving Change youth worker and a proud Aboriginal man from Bourke. Peter is married with 5 kids (4 boys, 1 girl) and is the half way through buying his own home. He has lived in Bourke most part of his life and also works with Youth Off the Streets a few hours a week. He likes playing cricket, football and golf.

Peter thinks of himself as a role model for his community and believes he will make a big difference in the community with the Driving Change program. He hopes in the future to become a qualified driving instructor so that the Bourke community has their own instructor locally.

For help with your driver licensing issues in Bourke or to find out how you can volunteer, get in contact with Peter on:

Mobile: 0438 900 326


Or drop in for a chat at:

41B Mitchell Street
Tuesday            9am-3:30pm
Wednesday       9am-3:30pm
Thursday           9am-3:30pm